
Hi, I’m Melton.

I stole this website from Hasseb

Here you can find almost everything about me… maybe I will put my writing here.

Currently interested in

  1. THREE JS to make a game?
  2. Ethereum NFTs: my address
  3. your mom
  4. Compiling C++ to Wasm
  5. Medicine lol
  6. Basic science research here!

Want more? About Extended

Melton Zheng
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So you wanted to know more about me. I was born and raised in a suburban community east of LA near Pasadena. It was a community that was mostly Asian, so I had the pleasure of a highly competitive environment since I was born. My parents were also quite focused on education. Here’s a pretty funny story… Motivation Let’s move on to my motivation. In highschool, I took an extra...
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