About Extended

So you wanted to know more about me. I was born and raised in a suburban community east of LA near Pasadena. It was a community that was mostly Asian, so I had the pleasure of a highly competitive environment since I was born. My parents were also quite focused on education. Here’s a pretty funny story…


Let’s move on to my motivation. In highschool, I took an extra AP class called AP Computer Science, during my second year, and here, I realized how fun computer science was. I would have to come to school at 7:00AM to take this class as a 0th period, because my schedule couldn’t include it at any other time. Still, I remember how fun it was to solve problems in Java and BlueJay and the kinds of analytical thinking we would have to do.

Fast forward a few years, my favorite math teacher/tutor said “oh are you going to do computer science?” My response was that I was going to do biology/biochemistry so that I could become a doctor… but I always think back and wonder… if my parents weren’t there to keep shoving me towards medicine, what would I want to do? What can be done at the intersection of computer science and medicine?

Fast forward a few more years and now I learn about the kind of new technology being made: ethereum, bitcoin, react, angular, etc. and now it appears like every day computer science is trying something new to improve on how we live our lives. It’s pretty cool and I wanted to be a part of it. So… that is why I made this blog. I’m gonna try some stuff out and see if it’ll be helpful for others along the same path.

Probably less useful info

I’m a 4th year at UCLA studying computational biology. I like to jump and punch and I do research on cells. :)

Melton Zheng
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Hi, I’m Melton. I stole this website from Hasseb Here you can find almost everything about me… maybe I will put my writing here. Currently interested in THREE JS to make a game? Ethereum NFTs: my address your mom Compiling C++ to Wasm Medicine lol Basic science research here! Want more? About Extended
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