The first step…trying to get scanpy… pip install scanpy This basically failed… I needed python tables and thank the lord for this I can finally start…haha I lied c:\users\melton\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\tables\ in <module> 12 13 # Necessary imports to get versions stored on the cython extension ---> 14 from .utilsextension import ( 15 get_pytables_version, get_hdf5_version, blosc_compressor_list, 16 blosc_compcode_to_compname_ as blosc_compcode_to_compname, tables\utilsextension.pyx in init tables.utilsextension() __init__.pxd in numpy.import_array() ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import...
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Nov 2021